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Tourist Point

The tourist point offers cyclists and tourists unique facilities and services for comfortable exploration of Třebíč. It provides you with a moment to relax, sit in a comfortable environment and allows you to put off your bike and luggage, or cool off with a shower or just use the toilet.

The tourist point is located in the immediate vicinity of the Tourist Information Centre on Charles Square. For cyclists there are outdoor and indoor bicycle racks, basic tools for simple bike repairs and of course there is also a first aid kit for treating minor injuries.

Třebíč Tourist Point owns a certificate Cyclists Welcome.

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TIC Národní dům

Karlovo náměstí 47, 674 01 Třebíč
tel.: +420 568 610 021
e-mail: info@mkstrebic.cz
web: www.visittrebic.eu

Opening hours

May, June, September

Monday - Saturday        9:00-12:00 a 12:30-17:00
Sunday                              9:00-13:00

July, August

Monday - Sunday          9:00-12:00 a 12:30-17:00

October - April

Monday - Friday          9:00-12:00 a 12:30-17:00
Saturday                        9:00-13:00


Toilet                                                 5 CZK
Shower                                            30 CZK
Towel hire                                     30 CZK
Towel deposit                              50 CZK
Luggage or bicycle storage    30 CZK


Payment for services in TIC Národní dům.

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