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Pulsatilas around Třebíč

The most beautiful spring flowers, which are a rarity of the Třebíč Region Natural Park, can be found at three locations.

On the hill of Ptáčov, north of the village of Ptáčov, the Pulsatila grandis grows, which also grows in the locality of Kobylinec near the village of Trnava. In the locality of hill of Klučov there is the Pulsatila pratensis, a really rare spring flower.

In the surroundings of Třebíč you will even find other rare flowers. In several locations you can find the marsh orchid or the relatively rare green-winged orchid. In the Dukovany Mill Nature Reserve near Dukovany, a critically endangered Daphne cneorum can be found. On the hill of Jalovec near Číchov, a critically endangered Gentianella praecox subsp. Bohemica grows. Not far from the village of Příštpo, near the Rokytná River, a large population of common snowdrops grows. You can also come across a large population of the spring snowflake at Dašov near Štěměchy. On the Mohelno Serpentine Steppe a very rare Notholaena marantae grows. Similarly, a very rare and prominent orchid, Himantoglossum adriaticum, grows in the one place in the Czech Republic, near the village of Ketkovice. You can still find rare plants, such as Drosera rotundifolia, on a few unspoiled peat-bogs of the highland type (e.g. near the village of Opatov in the natural preserve of Opatov trenches).



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Natural Memory of Ptáčov Hill

49°14'3.526"N, 15°55'54.351"E

Natural Memory of Kobylinec
49°15'0.266"N, 15°56'8.944"E
Natural Memory of Klučov Hill
49°9'55.654"N, 15°55'33.415"E